Spicy Potato Wedges

Cuisine: Miscellaneous
Effort: Low
Quick: Less than 1 hour
Vegetarian: Yes
Cook's Fave: Yes

Serves: 2, Time: 1 hr


  • 2 medium potatoes (200g each)
  • ½ tbsp veg oil
  • ⅛ tsp salt
  • ⅛ tsp pepper
  • ½ tsp mild chilli seasoning
  • 1 tsp garlic and herb seasoning


  1. Preheat oven to 180°C Fan/Gas Mark 6.
  2. Wedge potatoes into 8 each.
  3. In 12x9" Pyrex dish, toss potatoes in all ingredients to coat.
  4. Arrange skin side down.
  5. Bake for 50 mins, turning dish halfway.
  6. Serve with Steak, Chilli Con CarneMoussaka Style Mince with Baked PotatoesFajita Mince with Baked PotatoesColeslawStilton, Walnut and Orange SaladCourgette Tuna Boats with Chilli CouscousCourgette Boats with Avocado Salad or Sticky Chicken Marinade.