
Cuisine: Mexican
Effort: Low
Quick: Less than 1 hour
Vegetarian: Yes
Spice Level: Mild
Cook's Fave: Yes

Makes: 500ml, Time: 30 mins


  • 2 avocados, peeled, chopped
  • ½ small onion, finely chopped
  • 2 clove garlic, minced
  • 6 cherry tomato, chopped, deseeded
  • 3-4 rings jalapeño, chopped, deseeded
  • 1 small lime, juiced
  • black pepper to taste


  1. In large Pyrex bowl; Mix all ingredients except avocado.
  2. In medium Pyrex bowl; Scoop out avocado flesh from skin and mash roughly with a fork. Add lime juice.
  3. Mix avocado into veg.
  4. Serve with Corn Tortillas Chips.

Tip: Prep avocados last to prevent discolouration. Add lime juice immediately.

Tip: Store in airtight container with seeds inside to help preserve. Keep refrigerated for 2-3 days.
