Tuna, Sweetcorn, Mayo Pasta

Cuisine: British
Effort: Low
Quick: Less than 1 hour
Healthy: Less than 450 calories

Serves: 6, Calories: 339, Time: 30 mins


  • 300g dry pasta.  1047
  • 1 onion, diced.  75
  • ½ cucumber, diced.  10
  • 2 x 112g tin tuna in brine.  228
  • 2 x 157g tin sweetcorn.  276
  • 150g mayo.  396
  • salt and pepper to taste


  1. In large saucepan; Boil pasta, drain.
  2. Meanwhile, in large mixing bowl; Flake in tuna, add onion, corn and mayo. Add pasta. Stir to combine.
  3. Serve warm or cold.

Calories = 2032

  • 2032 / 6 = 339 cals

(100g dry pasta = 349 cals approx)

Alternatively: Omit pasta, serve with jacket potatoes.