Sausage and Pepper Gnocchi

Cuisine: Italian
Effort: Low
Quick: Less than 1 hour
Vegetarian: Yes
Cook's Fave: Yes

Serves: 6, Calories: 457, Time: 1 hr


  • 9 peppers, chunked.  450
  • 750g fresh gnocchi.  1065
  • 2 tbsp veg oil.  248
  • 12 butchers choice pork/veg sausages.  1464
  • salt and pepper


  1. Preheat oven to 180°C Fan/Gas Mark 6.
  2. In 14x10" Pyrex roaster; Toss peppers and gnocchi in oil, salt and pepper.
  3. Place sausages on top.
  4. Roast for 40 mins until golden. Serve.

Calories =

  • 3227 / 6 = 538 (750g gnocchi, 12 sausages)
  • 2739 / 6 = 457 (750g gnocchi, 8 sausages)
  • 3094 / 6 = 516 (1kg gnocchi, 8 sausages)

Tip: Fry gnocchi separately in butter to crisp up. 350g at a time, for 10 mins each batch.

Tip: Swap sausages for vegetarian sausages to make vegetarian.

Modified from Sausage and Gnocchi Bake.